This is to inform all newly admitted students into degree programmes in Cross River University of Technology (CRUTECH) who have already accepted their admission on JAMB CAPS that payment of Acceptance fees for the 2019/2020 Academic Session will commence on Monday, November 11, 2019.
All new students are expected to pay a non-refundable Acceptance Fee of N15,000.00 (This payment qualifies you to print Acceptance of Admission Form, CRUTECH Admission Letter and School Fee Chart )
Log on to www.crutech.edu.ng
Click on eduportal
Click on Get Your Student Payment Code
Type your JAMB Registration Number in the New Student Text Box, then click on proceed.
Your Student Payment Code (SPC) will display on the screen and also sent to your registered phone number.
Click on Acceptance fee, enter your Student Payment Code (SPC) on the text box provided, then click on proceed.
Select your level, then click on proceed.
Choose your method of payment.
After payment of acceptance fee, click on get Acceptance /Admission Letter
Follow the instruction to print your Acceptance Form, CRUTECH Admission and Fee Chart.
Gabriel Beshel
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