The Vice-Chancellor is please invited to recall that resource verification visit was carried out by panels of experts to some proposed academic programmes in Paul University, Anambra State with a view to assessing the human and material resources available for their establishment.
I am directed to inform the Vice-Chancellor that the Ag. Executive Secretary has considered and approved the establishment of the full-time mode of the following undergraduate programmes to be run in the Main Campus of the University with effect from 2024/2025 academic session
1. B.PT. Physiotherapy (Medical Rehabilitation)
2. B.Rad. Radiography
3. B.N.Sc. Nursing Science
4. B.MLS. Medical Laboratory Science
I am to add that the approval does not cover the part-time mode of delivery of the programmes. Before the part-time mode of any undergraduate programmes can commence, a request should be forwarded to the Commission for further processing.
The programmes shall bear only the approved title and nomenclature and any change will require the approval of the Commission. The University is enjoined to provide adequate human and material resources for the development and growth of the approved programmes.
Please accept the assurances of the Ag. Executive Secretary’s kind regards.
Abubakar M. Girei
Ag. Director Academic Planning
For: Ag. Executive Secretary
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