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This is to inform all full-time Degree Students that the management has released the procedures for online registration and selection for the stream II Entrepreneurship.

The steps to follow to register as Full time Degree with Entrepreneurship ( Stream 2) online skills registration and selection for 2020/2021 academic session are as follow:

1) visit https://www.lasu.edu.ng

2) Click on student in the top panel

3) Then, on the drop-down, click on ENT programme to access the portal

4) On the portal page, click “Students’ login” to display the login page

5) Students are required  to type in their Matriculation number, surname and select their category , (Full-time Degree programme with Entrepreneurship certificate) (stream 2 students) in the designated text box

6) On the Matric no text box, students should type in their Matriculation number

7) On the Surname textbox, students should type in their surname

8) On the Student category, students are required to select their category “Full-time Degree programme with Entrepreneurship ( stream 2 students)”

9) On clicking the login button, students are re-directed  to the registration page to complete their details

10) On the registration page, students are required to fill in their E-mail Address and other information

11) Click on the submit button

12) From the course  registration dashboard, the student is given a list of all courses, he/she can enroll for in the select box

13) On selecting the course of interest, the portal displays the course details (yearly arrangement forv Stream 2 students)

14) Click on the “Enrol Button” to submit the selected course.

NOTE : Students cannot change their Entrepreneurial Course once the course registration is completed. To change course earlier registered, contact [email protected] or Faculty Coordinator with genuine reason to do so.(To know your Coordinator, follow step 1-3 above, click Managements on the top panel)

There are limited slots for all courses. Once the quota is reached, students are advised to choose another course of preference

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About Adeniji Emmanuel Olumide (BIGSHAQ) 2949 Articles
Adeniji Emmanuel Olumide (BIGSHAQ) is a media aide to the CEO, media director and campus reporter . He loves to share campus news, updates across various campuses.

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